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Mesothelioma Dictionary

Mesothelioma Dictionary

Mesothelioma Dictionary of Legal & Medical Terms
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Gamma Globulin
A type of antibody.
Ganglion (Plural Ganglia)
A group of nerve tissue made of neuron cell bodies.
Inflammation of the stomach.
Referring to the stomach and intestines.
Stands for granulocyte colony stimulating factor, a protein that stimulates the growth and mature rate of granulocytes.
Gemcitabine HCl
A taxane antineoplastic agent that has effects on microtubules
A segment of DNA that contains heredity information such as hair color, eye color, and height, as well as the possibility for certain diseases.
General Anesthetic
A drug that causes a person to fall asleep, and lose the ability to feel pain.
Gene Therapy
Treatment that changes a gene. In studies of gene therapy for cancer, researchers are trying to improve the body’s natural ability to fight the disease or to make the cancer cells more sensitive to other kinds of therapy by either adding a gene that was lost in the cancer or interfering with a gene which contributes to the growth of the cancer.
Having to do with genes and genetic information.
Genetic Testing
Tests performed to see if a person has certain gene changes known to increase cancer risk. Such testing is not recommended for everyone, rather for those with specific types of family history. Genetic counseling should be part of the process as well.
Genotype (Adjective Genotypic)
The specific genetic makeup or "blueprint" of an organism.
Stands for gastrointestinal, dealing with the intestines or involving them.
GI Tract, Gastrointestinal Tract
The digestive tract. It consists of organs that process and prepare food to be used for energy; for example, the stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
A cell or group of cells that produce and release chemicals used nearby or in another part of the body.
Gleason Score
A method of grading prostate cancer cells on a scale of 2 to 10. The higher the number, the faster the cancer is likely to grow.
The sugar part of a glycoside; the form in which carbohydrate is stored in the body for future use as a source of energy.
Chemicals that contain sugar, and non sugar parts of a chemical energy chain bond.
GM-CSF (Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor)
A protein that makes a wide variety of white blood cells grow fast.
A chemokine receptor associated with KSHV that appears to be related to vascularization in Kaposi's sarcoma.
The grade of a cancer reflects how abnormal it looks under the microscope. There are several grading systems for cancer, such as the Gleason score for prostate cancer. Each grading system divides cancer into those with the greatest abnormality (poorly differentiated), the least abnormality (well-differentiated), and those in between (moderately differentiated). Grading is done by the pathologist who examines the tissue from the biopsy. It is important because higher grade cancers tend to grow and spread more quickly and have a worse prognosis.
Graft Rejection
When donated bone marrow infused during a BMT is rejected by the body.
A sub class of white blood cells, named because of the presence of granules in the cell. These cells protect the body against bacterial infections.
Gross Pathology
Refers to the functional and visible structural changes that happen from the disease processes.
Growth Factor
See Colony Stimulating Factor.
Growth Factors
A natural protein that makes cells grow and divide. Too much growth factor production by some cancer cells helps them grow quickly, and new treatments to block these growths are being tested. Other growth factors help normal cells recover from side effects of chemotherapy.
Guaiac Test
A test that looks for hidden blood in the stool.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS, Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy)
Inflammatory disease of the nerve roots, the disease includes fever, sensory loss and bilateral muscular weakness or paralysis, most commonly in the legs and feet.

Disclaimer: Mesothelioma Help Center’s Dictionary of Legal & Medical Terms is not designed to provide medical advice or professional services and is intended to be for educational use only. The information provided through Mesothelioma Help Center is not a substitute for professional care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your doctor. If you need legal help you should consult an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.

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Mesothelioma Symptoms

The most common Mesothelioma symptoms are the following:

Recent onset of shortness of breath (31%)
Recent increase in shortness of breath (30%)
Chest pain (43%)
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