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Mesothelioma Dictionary

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Mesothelioma Dictionary

Mesothelioma Dictionary

Mesothelioma Dictionary of Legal & Medical Terms
We Help Patients Find Legal Representation
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Wasting Syndrome
A condition characterized by atrophy of lean body mass and involuntary weight loss of more than 10% of normal body weight.
Watchful Waiting
instead of active treatment for prostate cancer, the doctor may suggest close monitoring. This may be a reasonable choice for older men with small tumors that might grow very slowly. If the situation changes, active treatment can be started.
Western Blot
a laboratory blood test for specific antibodies (e.g., to HIV). The Western blot test is more accurate than the ELISA test, and is used as a confirmatory test if an ELISA test is positive
a whistling noise in the chest during breathing when the airways are narrowed or compressed.
White Blood Cells
General term for a variety of cells responsible for fighting invading germs, infection, and allergy-causing agents. Refers to a blood cell that does not contain hemoglobin. White blood cells include lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and mast cells. These cells are made by bone marrow and help the body fight infection and other diseases. Certain cancer treatments such as chemotherapy can reduce the number of these cells and make a person more likely to get infections.
Wrongful Death Action
An action that is brought by and in the name of the personal representative (as a spouse or parent) of one who dies a wrongful death and that seeks damages for the benefit of the survivors or the estate of the decedent. A wrongful death action is intended to compensate for injury to beneficiaries and not the injury to the decedent. The right to bring such an action is defined by statute.
Wrongful Death
A death that is caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another and that serves as the basis for a civil action for damages on behalf of the decedent's heirs. Wrongful death is claim that someone else was responsible for the death of another through negligence or other liability and that survivors and/or the estate of the deceased are entitled to damages.
Wrongful Death – Asbestos
A death from Asbestos exposure that is caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another and that serves as the basis for asbestos civil action for damages on behalf of the decedent's heirs.
Wrongful Death – Mesothelioma
A death from Asbestos exposure that is caused by the wrongful act or negligence of another and that serves as the basis for asbestos civil action for damages on behalf of the decedent's heirs.
Wide Local Excision
A surgical procedure to remove a cancer and some of the healthy tissue around it.

Disclaimer: Mesothelioma Help Center’s Dictionary of Legal & Medical Terms is not designed to provide medical advice or professional services and is intended to be for educational use only. The information provided through Mesothelioma Help Center is not a substitute for professional care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your doctor. If you need legal help you should consult an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.

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Mesothelioma Symptoms

The most common Mesothelioma symptoms are the following:

Recent onset of shortness of breath (31%)
Recent increase in shortness of breath (30%)
Chest pain (43%)
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